
Being part of a progressive movement may be at odds with what you usually value. Conflicted about joining the revolution? The last quarter moon in Taurus creates a crossroads. Stretch yourself. You may have to discard a personal comfort zone to become an agent of change.


Issues with authority may come up today. Triggered by a power play? Center before reacting during Taurus last quarter moon. There are certain changes you have no control over. What you do have control of is yourself. Remember, you have the power to make your own decisions.


Releasing what’s stuck? The Taurus last quarter moon challenges you to make a radical ideological shift. Break your glass ceiling. Prepare for old emotions to block this process. To fully step into this reformed perspective, you must clear out the subconscious hold that tells you otherwise.


Place boundaries around your values. Still holding onto alliances that don’t align with your heart’s criteria? Time for a change. The last quarter moon in Taurus stirs up conflict in a social group. Make adjustments for evolution’s sake. Say your piece so you can walk your authentic path.


Nurturing your professional success may conflict with a relationship. Prioritizing self first? Taurus last quarter brings up tough choices. It may be impossible for things to stay the same. Be forthright and honest with how you feel. They may refuse to accept your point of view, so be patient with the process.


Freedom is becoming essential to you. Feeling compelled to change and purify your routine? Destruct what’s been fixed. Going through the same motions stunts your self-development. The Taurus last quarter moon challenges you to let go so you can move on. Reinvent your reality.


A collaboration may challenge your creative freedom. The Taurus last quarter moon can elicit this feeling of being boxed in. Think of the bigger goal at stake. Can you accept this framework for the time being? You may find that what they require you to do inspires you to innovate.


Your emotional resilience may be tested today. Prepare for transformative renovations to activate your home and family life. Is a partner in the middle of it all? Lean on their support during the last quarter moon in Taurus. Pushing them away will rob you of the comfort and support they offer.


A lot may be going on around you today. At the whims of the universe? Focus on being of service. Inquire into others. See if you can be of help by offering your wisdom. Taurus last quarter helps you be the peacemaker by using the gift of your perception.


You’re out to have fun today… but it could cost you! Watch for breaking the bank during Taurus last quarter moon. Are you keeping track of your expenses? Tally up what you are paying out. Putting it all on credit could jam up your resources down the road!


Craving a foundational shift? You're going through an inner revolution, and a partner needs to be aware of it. The Taurus last quarter moon pushes you to express changes you’d like to see. Try not to control the situation. Let them come around to what you're presenting in their own time.


Encountering spiritual tension? You may become aware of what needs to shift to bridge the mind, body, spirit gap. This doesn’t mean it will be easy! Focus on altering daily habits that have led to this push for purification. Making one change today will help to release the stress.


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