
Throwing caution to the wind? Wasting money on frivolous entertainment lands you in a financial mess as Mercury clashes with Uranus. If it captures your interest, you’ll throw cash at it now. Your excuse: you’re seizing the day! But if you keep spending at this rate, you’ll have trouble seizing tomorrow!


Upsetting interactions? As Mercury and Uranus clash, it seems like no one is listening to you. How insulting! If you can’t get someone’s attention by being reasonable, you’re not above causing a scene. Reign in this impulse. Your frustration is valid, but there’s no need for low blows.


Lost in translation? You’ve got a brilliant idea, but struggle to communicate it as Mercury clashes with Uranus. If you expect others to catch on, you need to slow way down. Break your message up into bite-sized parts. Be prepared to repeat yourself. They’re not going to get it on the first try.


Suddenly apprehensive about a deal? You might want to listen to your gut as Mercury and Uranus clash. Perhaps it’s just cold feet. A sudden urge to rip up a contract can point to anxiety over intuition. But either way, you’re wise to wait. Get more information before signing on the dotted line.


Talking a big game? Be careful what you wish for as Mercury clashes with Uranus. You might just get it! You’re not quiet about career frustrations today! You’re ready for more, you want better. But words have power. Are you prepared to get the changes you claim to want? Right NOW?


All turned around? Mercury’s clash with erratic Uranus creates major confusion. You’re not sure what to believe! Reexamining your assumptions is the whole point today. But insights will glimmer into view one minute and disappear the next. Don’t go searching for The Truth now. You won’t find it.


Chance meetings? Unusual partings? As Mercury clashes with Uranus, people suddenly enter or exit your life. These situations can feel like record-scratch moments. Look for the subtext. The universe is trying to send you a message – it’s just using a proxy to illustrate a point.


Communication breakdown? Mercury’s clash with Uranus indicates unrest in a business relationship. Mind what you say and how you say it. Neither of you HEAR each other. You’re both quick to take offense. At least you’re getting grievances out in the open. Speak your piece but wait to draw conclusions.


Scatterbrained? An snap decision seems like the right call, but you’ll regret jumping the gun as Mercury and Uranus clash. Volunteering for this situation sets you up for stress. There are too many moving parts. If you’re already committed, roll with the punches and expect the unexpected.


Selective hearing? Mercury’s clash with Uranus provokes misunderstandings. A conversation that you hoped would clear the air is unsettling. You’re primed to expect the worst. While you’re busy looking for hidden meaning, the point goes over your head. Pay attention! Worry less about finding fault.


Change of plans? A relationship dispute forces you to reevaluate your situation as Mercury and Uranus clash. Anxiety does the talking FOR you today. However, anxiety may also be your body’s way of clueing you into a more serious problem. Listen to your instincts, but wait to act on them.


Falling behind? As Mercury and Uranus clash, unforeseen interruptions force you to juggle. If you’ve overbooked yourself, that could be a problem. Don’t lose heart – strive to be flexible. Scale way back and only tackle what can’t wait. Expect delays. Let today be a lesson in scheduling in wiggle room.


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